Do French Bulldogs Drool? Reasons why and what to do

You’ve probably noticed by now that the love of a French Bulldog seems a bit… well, slobbery. If you are wondering if this is the case with all French Bulldogs, then today is your lucky day! So Do French Bulldogs Drool?

In this article we’re going to talk a little about French Bulldogs, whether or not excessive drooling is the norm, and we’re also going to give you a breakdown of what drooling can sometimes tell you if you know what you are looking for. And yes they do drool.

Let’s explore the excessively wet world of French Bulldogs and the drool that comes with the territory!

Why Is My Frenchie Puppy Drooling?

First off, you can relax a little, your Bulldog isn’t leaking. French Bulldogs are known droolers and they also love licking their owners to show their love, so being wet is part and parcel of sharing your home with your adorable furry friend.

Part of this, of course is the shape of their faces. French Bulldogs are brachycephalic, which is a fancy way of saying that they have flat faces. That cute and distinctive face is also the reason that your dog snores and why it’s a little harder for them to keep the drool in their mouths like other, more pointy-faced breeds.

That said, this doesn’t mean that you can’t learn anything important when they are drooling. Sometimes they will drool in certain situations or in response to certain conditions and this is something that you will need to be on the lookout for in case there are any red flags hiding behind the deluge of drool.

To that effect, let’s take a look at reasons why your Frenchie is drooling all of the sudden and more than usual.

Do French Bulldogs Drool?

Is It Normal For French Bulldogs To Drool?

When they drink too much or eat quickly, it can sometimes lead to a little bit of drool! Even though this might seem like an oddity at first glance, especially given how small these dogs usually are.

There’s nothing wrong with your pup if you notice he/she has started leaking more than usual around meal times as long as everything else seems normal and healthy aside from their eating habits. Drooling is completely Normal. Frenchies aren’t known for excessive drooling so if you notice an in crease get to you’re vet for a second opinion.

Can you Stop Bulldogs From Drooling?

Good oral Hygiene Helps, The most common cause of tartar buildup is a lack of oral hygiene which leads to periodontal disease and drooling.

The best way you can prevent this problem from happening again, or at least limit its occurrence quite significantly for your French bulldog’s overall health? Brush his teeth on occasion with dental treats as rewards!

Canine Anxiety can cause drooling, Anxiety is a very common emotion in dogs. For example, if your dog tends to drool excessively when going for ride in the car- he may be overly anxious about being driven around town by you or even just at large crowds and a fear of new surroundings and unfamiliar people, This can all lead to drooling.

One such way to help your dog stop drooling when people are leaving the house is by giving them a specific treat that only appears after someone or everyone has left. In time, they will associate this special treat with others being gone and no longer look anxious but excited for their departure.

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Why Is My Frenchies Mouth Dripping?

Your Frenchies mouth is dripping for a number of reasons, but in the main it boils down to eating and digestion. The slobbery dribble helps them wet their mouth when they eat which is important since tooth decay or gum disease can become issues without enough moisture on our pet’s gums!

How Bad Do French Bulldogs Drool?

French Bulldogs are actually pretty good at not causing much of a mess. French bulldogs come in as one of the cleanest dog breeds out there, so you won’t have to worry too much about their drool ruining anything! They don’t produce as much drool or have a reputation for Drooling like some other dog types.

Do Mini French Bulldogs Drool?

Yes, mini French Bulldogs do Drool, A dog’s drool is essential for helping them eat and digest food. It also helps that spit-up can be a sign of health, but if it comes out too often or when you’re not expecting then something might have gone wrong with their digestive system.

Why is my French Bulldog drooling so much?

While drooling is the norm, there are also times when drooling may be a sign of something that you need to be aware of. This sounds a little confusing if you are new to the world of French Bulldogs but over time you’ll start to notice that their drooling comes and goes in various scenarios.

Once this happens, you’ll find that you can tell when a ‘drool is not a drool’ but is actually a possible red flag. Below you’ll find some causes for excessive drooling in French Bulldogs so that you can see the range of possibilities that extra-drooling can indicate.


The most common example you’ll see is the Pavlovian response. In Pavlov’s famous experiment, the ringing of the bell that signaled dinner would cause his test-dog to start drooling in anticipation. Just like Pavlov’s dog, your own dog knows the cues that mean that you are about to give them a delicious snack and in response, they’re going to start drooling like crazy.

In this case, the excessive drooling is only natural and it’s something that we share with our dogs. When you see a waiter coming out with a steak, it’s only rigid self-control that keeps you from drooling then and there yourself!


Overexertion is another thing that can lead to excessive drooling and this is generally nothing to worry about. When your dog is playing in the park or chasing the cat around the house, then this exercise can heat their little bodies up, and as dogs this means that they are going to start panting.

While dogs DO have sweat glands, these are located in the ear canals and in the pads of the feet. Due to this, sweating doesn’t play the same starring role in cooling off that it does with humans. For dogs, one of the methods of cooling off is panting, and since your Frenchie has a flat face then that is something that can get quite messy.

So, don’t be surprised if your Bully is playing and had a big ol’ line of drool, even if there is grass and other bits stuck in it. He’s just a little hot from playing and he’s cooling down.

Heat stroke

Speaking of cooling down, if your dog is playing in the park or backyard and it’s very hot outside, then excessive drooling might actually be a warning sign. If your Bulldog keeps laying down and shows other signs such as heavy panting or a fast heartbeat, then this could be a sign of heat stroke.

If this is the case, a wet towel can help to cool your dog down a little bit and you should take them into the vet for a checkup immediately.

For future trips to the park, as a general rule you want to pick a shady spot and bring along some wet towels to help your dog to cool down between intervals of playing. Overheating is a real danger with your Bulldog, so be sure to always plan ahead with some cooling options if it’s hot outside and to limit play sessions to a few minutes at a time.  

They’ve chewed or eaten something toxic

Excessive drooling may also occur as a response to the ingestion of a toxin. If you are a new French Bulldog owner and don’t know your dog’s drooling habits very well yet, you can check their mouth while you are at the park to see if there are any pieces or clues if you think that they might have eaten something bad for them.

This is much easier at the home, where half of the time they are still chewing this mystery item, but if you suspect that they have eaten something toxic then after you’ve checked for clues you should bring them to the vet immediately.

In parks it can be hard to know what dangerous items might be around that your dog might chew, so a good preventative measure is to scout your play area a little before you let your Bulldog play so that you know it is fairly safe in advance.

Motion sickness

Some dogs love riding in the car but others… not so much. If you’ve noticed that your dog is drooling a lot when you drive them around and it’s not just from hanging their head out the window, then look for the following symptoms:

  • Staying completely still
  • Whining
  • Licking of the lips
  • Vomiting

Just because your dog is having a little motion sickness, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like the car. Some dogs like it anyway, it just makes them feel a little bad. If you see these symptoms in your Bully, then bring them in for a vet checkup.

Your veterinarian should have a number of options to help with the motion sickness so that you and your co-pilot can get back to your shared driving adventures!

Tooth decay

Tooth decay or problems with the mouth may also result in excessive drooling. Often this will be accompanied by a smell indicating an infection, but a visual check of your Bulldog’s mouth is a good idea if you suspect that tooth decay or mouth injury is a possibility.

This may also show when they eat, so keep an eye out for any oddities in the way that they eat, such as favoring one side or the frequent dropping of food. These are a dead-giveaway that it’s time to visit the vet. You can try and prevent tooth decay by using Vet’s Best Enzymatic Dog Toothpaste .


Finally, diseases of the kidneys and other conditions can cause excessive drooling in Bulldogs. Especially with older dogs, if they are suddenly drooling much more than they usually do, then it’s a good idea to schedule a checkup just in case so that this may be ruled out with some routine testing.

Regular vet checkups are key to a happy, healthy Frenchie

The best way to know that excessive drooling is not a red flag is to simply ensure that your Frenchie is getting the recommended number of yearly checkups. This is easy to do,  as twice a year is good for French Bulldogs of up to 7 years of age, while 3 -4 times per year is best for older dogs.

During these health checkups your vet can run a number of tests that can ensure that if your dog develops any conditions they may be identified early and thus have the best chances available for treatment.

It just makes good, solid sense!

Some closing words

Today we’ve taken a closer look at Bulldogs and their completely-normal –thought extremely messy— drooling habits. Remember, French Bulldogs are brachycephalic, and those flat-faces lead to a natural inclination when it comes to things like drooling and snoring.

That said, there are indeed cases when excess drooling may be a warning sign, and until you learn your dog’s ‘drooling patterns’ you shouldn’t be afraid to bring your dog in for a quick checkup with the vet.

In the meantime, get used to that drooling… it’s all part of life with your beloved French Bulldog!

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Last update on 2024-07-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Dan James

Dan James is the founder and editor of FrenchBulldogio, a canine enthusiast who writes about what he's learned on the way of being a French Bulldog owner and sharing his advice, tips, and research.

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